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What are payday loans?

A payday loan usually helps cater to some of your immediate cash needs until your next paycheck arrives. The interest rates for such loans are high, and they should be repaid within a short period of, let’s say, two weeks.

Before applying for a payday loan, you should take time and learn more about how they work. You should know what you’re getting and what you should expect in return.


About How Payday Loans Work

Payday loans are different from other types of loans. Depending on your state of residence, you can apply for a payday loan online or through the help of a payday lender.

In each state, the laws governing payday loans vary. There are limits on the amount you can borrow and the interest and fees that the lender can charge. In some states, payday loans are also prohibited.

After your payday loan has been approved, you will receive a check, or the money can be deposited into your bank account. You will then pay for the loan and the finance charge within 14 days.

The finance charge usually varies depending on the loan amount. Although the costs associated with payday loans are high, there are many households in the U.S. that usually apply for payday loans annually. In most cases, people usually apply for payday loans since they cannot access other financing options because they don’t have a source of income or have a poor credit score.

Other reasons why people apply for payday loans is because they fear the available alternatives or they lack the necessary knowledge. For instance, someone may fear to request for a loan from a friend or family member. Although alternatives are available, they are not easily accessible.

The requirements by payday lenders are also few. Some of these lenders also don’t check the credit scores. They may also fail to inquire whether the lender is in a position to repay the loan. You only need to present your identification documents and a bank account that has a favorable standing. If you are scared of getting suied due to being unable to pay, please read this page.


Will the Payday Loan Affect Your Credit Score?

Since payday lenders rarely run a credit check, the payday loan will not affect your credit score. Also, it will not appear on your credit report. Your credit score will not improve either.

If you fail to pay the loan on time, the lender can present your details to a collection agency that will eventually report the matter to the credit reporting bureaus. Your credit score will be affected in the process.



Debt consolidation comes in handy when repaying the payday loan despite having a bad credit score. Although the debt consolidation loans have more requirements before the approval process, the interest rates and fees are low. Also, the repayment period is longer.

What Does A Bitcoin Tumbler Do?

A Bitcoin mixer, or tumbler bitcoin, is a third-party provider that serves to create anonymity for holders of Bitcoin by breaking the connection between the sender and the receiver addresses.

For a small fee, a Bitcoin tumbler will effectively disassociate any purchased Bitcoin from the identity of the purchaser. This process will provide the holder with privacy regarding where coins were purchased or sent.

Bitcoin tumblers are a legal and established means to create untraceable Bitcoin. The user simply provides their Bitcoin wallet address and then sends their coins to a newly generated address. After a short duration, for the mixing process to complete, the new coins are returned.

Bitcoin Tumbling Benefits

Bitcoin Blockchain itself gives the appearance of anonymity, since no names or obvious identifiers are captured in the transactions. The general public understanding seems to lean towards a belief in this creating an anonymous structure. However, given the use of public keys in the blockchain to reference a holder’s cryptocurrency wallet it is easily traceable by a security service.

Therefore, the obvious and overriding benefit of using a Bitcoin tumbler is privacy. The Bitcoin holder can use the tumbling process, also known as mixing or laundering, to become anonymous within the blockchain. This effective cloaking of send and receive transactions results in eliminating the ability to trace the activity.

Using a reputable Bitcoin tumbler, such as Coinomize, the holder can send coins for mixing and when the process is complete receive back untraceable coins. Logs are not stored by the tumbler and therefore remove the connection between send and receipt, or trackability to the user.

Features of Bitcoin Tumbling

The mixing process is 100% anonymous. The tumbling service does not store a log of the activity, nor IP address information.

The process can vary in the length of time (from several minutes to a few hours) it takes to receive the returned “clean” Bitcoin. With some tumbler services the user can set the duration, though it is recommended to vary the turnaround time to maximize the effectiveness of the mixing process.

One must be cautious in engaging with a Bitcoin tumbler. There certainly are disreputable services out there, so it is important to ensure engagement with an established and well recognized Bitcoin tumbler, such as Coinomize.

Fees typically range from roughly one to five percent of the transaction value to conduct the service.

Overall, Bitcoin tumbling is a safe, effective and cost-effective means to create transactional anonymity and thereby avert traceability of Bitcoin send and receive activity. It is an accepted and legal mechanism to ensure ongoing cryptocurrency freedom.


What You Should Know About SSI Payday Loans

People all around the US spend billions of dollars every year on short term loans. Payday loans are the most common loans that people borrow. This is simply a loan that you borrow, and on payday, you pay with interest. The loan is mostly offered to those who have a payday check.

However, even those with different earning forms a secure these loans. Sometimes people struggle to pay their daily bills. The government and other recourse options usually have fewer resources compared to demand. With the development and access to online loans, even those who depend on government checks have more options. However, it is essential to know which lenders offer SSI loans. The basic requirements that the lenders will need from the applicants include the applicant’s identity. This can either be a passport or driving license and any other document to prove that you are a US native; applicants must also have active bank accounts and, finally, documents that confirm your income.


The qualifications For SSI Applicants

Every applicant must provide the documents as we started above. The forms must be present at the time of the application. There also might be other additional requirements depending on the lenders’ terms and conditions, especially for the self-employed applicants. The self-employed people who apply for these payday loans always face tough times due to their irregular income trend. It may also be hard for them to prove their income since most of them lack documentation. There is another category of those who do not have bank accounts but still have an income source. This category, too, can apply though for shorter durations. Other income alternatives maybe from self-employment, disability payment, child support, and many others. This category of people is required to submit their yearly tax forms and bank statements.


What happens To Those with Bad Credits?

Any borrower should note that the lenders are very keen on the creditworthiness of the applicants. Another important thing that they check is the applicant’s debt to income ratio. The applicants should be aware of the payday loans that do not charge any credits. These are scammers and misleading. The applicants should also be aware of the high-interest rates that are charged by payday loans. According to research conducted back in 2016, it showed that the interest rates could go up to 662% in some states. This is way much higher compared to the average APR, which is usually 17.55%. The high-interest rates can cause trouble to the borrowers leading them to a debt burden. According to experts, if you want payday loans for ssi recipients, you should consider borrowing for a shorter period.

Is Real Estate Investment Profitable? Here Are the Answers

Have you ever thought of investing in real estate? Do you ask yourself whether the business is profitable? Then, you are in the right place. Real estate investment is profitable, but if done properly. If you make wrong decisions, like what beginners do every time, you can lose money. So, what are you supposed to do to succeed in this industry? Keep reading this guide to learn some ideas for investing in real estate.


Research on the Real Estate Property

Many investors make the mistake of buying a property just because it is for sale before they inspect it. Please inquire about the property to know its current market value and its location. Please don’t buy a property you do not know how it physically looks likes. It is even very disappointing to buy a property that is not in a strategic location. Consider properties located near social amenities such as sewerage, fire stations, schools, and hospitals because they always offer a good return of money.


Give Clear Offers

Do you want your investment to be profitable? Then, don’t be afraid to name your offer. The property is for sale, so people will always listen to every offer. If you think the property is overpriced, negotiate the price, your offer might be considered.


Build a Good Relationship with Real Estate Buyers and Sellers

Increase your business network because your leads might not close all your deals. Making friends with other people can help you gather information such as the best location with properties for sale and also stay updated on the current rules governing the real estate industry.


Consider All Existing Choices

For instance, if you have a property in mind, why don’t you buy it or lease it instead of renting it? Considering all available options can help you make an informed decision. Prioritize the most rewarding deals because they are profitable. Don’t just consider newly built properties. You can buy old properties, remodel them, to increase their value in the market. They can also offer a good return of money as you will resell them at a higher price than the one you bought.


Hang Out With Good Positive Minded Characters

The entire property buying process needs a lot of focus, so if you surround yourself with negative minded characters, you may not invest wisely. Work with people who notice your work and ready to join the effort with you. Such people will always share good ideas, like when to avoid a deal if there is a need. They will share their tactics that might work on your side.



As you can see, you can make money easily on real estate investment. Invest wisely, inspect the property for sale before purchase. Or else, if you fail to follow the right steps, you may lose money. For more practice information, head on over to meravbenloulou.

Four Tips on How To Write an Attractive Cover Letter

If you are searching for a job with no fruits, reconsider writing your cover letter in a way that captures the attention of the hiring manager. An impressive cover letter is the only thing you need to secure a job interview with potential employers and non-profit recruiters. It is thus important to pay attention even to those things that may seem small since they are the ones that may determine if you are going to get the job or not. It is quite evident that the better the cover letter, the more chances you will have to win the hiring manager’s heart. If you are looking for a way to come up with an impressive cover letter, use these tips:


(1) Keep It Short

Mostly, hiring managers have a heap of documents awaiting their perusal, meaning they have less than a minute to go through your cover letter. Therefore, make sure your cover letter fits into one page with words not exceeding five hundred. A multi-page cover letter gives a bad impression about yourself, and the manager may conclude you aren’t the right candidate.


(2) Keep it Simple and Appealing

However, smart your handwriting might be or captivating your story is; an unpleasant cover letter has zero chance of getting any attention. To make it easy to read and attractive, consider the following:

(a) Font: The process of selecting the type of font depends on your professional industry and how formal the company requires the letters to be. For example, if your industry is formal, you can go for Times New Roman, Cambria, Georgia, Garamond, and Didot. As for the casual industry, use Helvetica, Calibri, Arial, and Lato. The font size should be at 12 points or above.

(b) Margins: The margins should be between 1-1.5. If your letter is long, use a margin of one, but if short, you can use 1.5.

For uniformity, font styles, sizes, and colors should be the same for your cover letter and curriculum vitae hence giving your application a professional look.


(3) Write Customized Cover Letters for Each Organization

Different companies have different problems they want to resolve through the hiring process. It is thus important to address each company’s specific problems uniquely, even if you apply for the same position. Your letter should show how conversant you are with the firm’s goals and how your presence will help achieve them.


(4) Quantify Your Accomplishments

In the achievements section, include numbers to show the extent to which you contributed to achieving the company’s goals in your current or previous position. For instance, if you are a cost accountant, include numbers to show how you helped the company cut its operating costs. Instead of saying that during your tenure in office, the costs came down; you can say that the cost came down by 15%.

Be on Look Out For These Car Insurance Scams

Believe it or not insurance scams are quite common. In 2019, more than half a million insurance cams were busted. It is easy to become a victim of car insurance scams without even noticing. Many of the most common scams are subtle so you have to be careful. Insurance scams cause insurance rates to be raised. Imagine being in a car accident and you just simply want to make a fair recovery claim. Instead, you are victimized by a scam that targets accident insurance. This can be quite frustrating. Being observant during the claims process is important. This can help you avoid being victimized by insurance scams.

Popular Insurance Scams

It is important to know the different types of car insurance scams so that you can protect yourself. As absurd as this may sound, many scammers purposely cause accidents so they can make insurance claims. It’s crucial to stay focused while driving as these persons will swerve in front of you and force your vehicle to rear-end theirs. This is known as Forced Rear-Ending Insurance Fraud. Because you are the driver behind, the accident is automatically your fault. These scammers may also complain of neck and back injuries. A dashboard camera can be helpful in situations like these. Also, drivers with the right of way in traffic may give you a chance to cut in only to intentionally run into your vehicle. This also occurs with parking spaces. You can avoid this by only proceeding when you have the right of way.

Another car insurance scam includes phantom victims. These are not real ghosts but persons who were not in the accident claiming that they were. If you are in an accident it is a good idea to take photographic evidence of the number of victims involved to avoid these fraudulent claims. There are also counterfeit and car accident repair insurance scams. Repair companies may try to scam you by claiming you need repairs that you actually do not. They may also overcharge you for replacement parts. Also, repair shops may use counterfeit replacement parts on your car. These knockoff parts may risk your safety while driving. Tow truck companies may also take advantage of accident victim. They may overcharge your insurance company for their services or charge for services they did not render. Be sure to only work with repair and tow truck companies you are familiar with to avoid these fraudulent activities.

The Frequency of Car Insurance Scams

In 2019, about 469, 000 fraudulent claims were made. This information was gathered by the Association of British Insurers (ABI). The average fraudulent claim valued £12,000. The most common scams involved motor insurance. Last year, 55,000 fraudulent motor insurance claims were detected. The majority of these include personal injury claims. Staged crashes were quite common. Insurance companies are responding to this information by creating new methods to detect scammers. It is imperative that you also take the necessary steps to protect yourself.

If you want to avoid such scams and deal with reputable insurance providers, take a look at the helpful overview of cheap car insurance from

Water damage to your home as a result of a leak, what next?

A Leak Caused Water Damage? Important Steps To Follow Next

While water leaks are not the end of the world, they can cause significant damage to your home. Water leaks can lead to many problems that include mold, mildew, water stains, and wet drywall. This is why whether large or small, it is important to deal with a water leak right away. Here are some steps to take after a leak causes damage to your home.


Find the leak

It is important to isolate the leak. If the leak is coming from the roof, try to pinpoint where. If it is from a pipe, temporarily patch the pipe. Move all wet items away from the leak’s origin to prevent further damage. Consider calling a professional to fix the leak, especially if it is a roof leak, or if you cannot determine the leak’s location.


Dry out

Start getting all wet items as dry as possible. The longer the items are wet, the greater chance that mold will start to grow. A wet vac will help with carpets and furniture. A dehumidifier will pull the moisture out of the room. Make sure light fixtures are thoroughly dry before use. Removing the light fixture cover to remove any water may be a good idea. Use a moisture meter to determine the amount of moisture in the ceilings, walls, and ductwork.


Pictures and notes

It is important to document the entire process. Make sure to note the day and the weather conditions, especially for a roof leak. Take pictures of the leak’s place of origin. Also, take pictures of all items that were damaged due to the leak. This includes walls, floors, ceilings, as well as personal property like rugs and furniture. Contact the insurance company and provide all the necessary documentation.


Fix leak

Until the leak is fixed, consider leaving all items in a safe place. If it is a roof leak, try placing buckets or large containers underneath in case it rains before it can be fixed. If it is a pipe leak, call a professional to get it fixed as soon as possible. Turn off the water to prevent future leaks.

You can watch some Youtube videos to maybe get an idea on how to fix it yourself, but ultimately you need a plumber like denver water damage to come in.



Once the leak has been fixed and everything is dry, it is time to take care of the damage. This may be as simple as replacing wallpaper, painting over some dry water stains, or replacing the carpet. Cleaning and sanitizing everything is an important step to not overlook. If there is severe water damage, a professional may be needed to fix a wooden floor or replace other structural damage. Make sure to get estimates, document the work, and report everything to the insurance company.

3 Famous Examples of Security Fraud

Security fraud has become a significant issue around this information age, especially in the investment world. Security fraud, a.k.a; investment fraud is a malicious practice that involves the misinterpretation of information for many investors to make viable decisions, in one way or another—the crime involves financial manipulation, poor advice, and more which may lead to significant losses.

Security fraud is illegal, and too often, it is risky to investors. There’s been a great article on TGDAILY recently that interviews a securities defence lawyer, it gives a great outline of the most common misconceptions and he digs into the most popular questi0ns around the topics. We highly recommend to give it a read.

Anyway, Investment fraud takes on many diversified forms. But below are the most famous ones.

  1. Accountant fraud

Over the past two decades, accountant fraud has increasingly grown where financial reports get manipulated now and then. The most kind of workers who fall into these illegal practices is usually the ones who have access to an organization’s accounts without oversight.

Accountant fraud involves embezzlements, fake suppliers, personal purchases, and many more.

Accountant fraud can directly impact the success of the company. It can lead to billions of losses if unchecked. The company, therefore, should implement internal severe accounting control and conduct random auditing on accounts receivable and accounts payable. Even better, it should employ trusted workers to check the reports regularly.

  1. Payroll fraud

Payroll fraud is an illegal act through the company’s payroll system. Payroll fraud is one of the most common investment frauds that many employees have turned their heads to-for many reasons. The effects of these employees fraud are dangerous and can even lead to business failure. According to research, about 27% of businesses affected with payroll fraud are likely to last for not less than 36 months. Payroll fraud, therefore, is a significant risk, particularly for small enterprises where control is minimal.

Some of the theft involved with payroll fraud includes paycheck theft, advance fraud, ghost employees scheme, and many more.

To avoid such a risk, the company needs to balance the sheets plus the payroll accounts three times a year. The company should also employ trusted managers who approve timesheets on time. The payroll record is a must check to ensure bank details matches.

  1. Asset misappropriation

Also referred to as insider fraud, asset misappropriation is a fraudulent practice that involves vast numbers of employees within a company. It is a case where individual employees who have access to information that the company lacks, then takes advantage of sale the corporation’s stock or securities.

Asset misappropriation is a risk if unnoticed. It includes theft of cash, robbery of services, forgery, and more.

The company should, therefore, rigorously check on new employees’ backgrounds. The company should also implement random audits, checks, and balances, and never pay commissions unless services get delivered. Better yet, change of duties of employees.

When to Use a Professional Plumber over Doing It Yourself?

While there are instances when a homeowner may want to save on the plumbing costs by carrying out some DIY projects, this is not always a good idea for some repairs and maintenance. Without professional experience, a simple repair can result in big damage if done by an amateur.

Of course there are small things that you can fix yourself, just check out youtube for some quick plumbing hacks:

But there are several instances where you should consider hiring a professional plumber over a DIY project. Mostly because…

You don’t have the right equipment

If you’re not a plumber like the pros at Clearwater Plumbers, then buying some plumbing equipment will not be in your budget. A professional plumber has all the necessary equipment and gear necessary for carrying out any plumbing work. They understand which tools work for what and invest in the latest technologies to get the right plumbing equipment. Some services such as detecting a leak, repairing a sewer line, excavation, inspection, etc. require the latest technology to carry out efficiently, which only professionals can access.


Not all plumbing work can be carried out by just anybody. Some jobs are too complicated and require the expertise of a professional plumber. Attempting to do some complicated repairs yourself will end up costing more than it should have cost if you just went ahead and hired a professional. If you don’t understand the repair and maintenance work properly, you should consider hiring a professional and save time.

Plumbing codes and standards

There are some plumbing works that need to adhere to the professional codes of conduct and standards of plumbing. A homeowner with no plumbing education or experience will not know them. For instance, you might need to unclog your drainage using a harsh chemical. If something goes wrong, the chemical may end up leaking into the water drainage system. This can contaminate the entire water supply of the neighborhood, putting everyone at risk. A homeowner is not a certified plumber and does not know how the system works. Such trials and errors can endanger your life and the lives of many people.

Getting a permanent solution

Some plumbing repairs keep on recurring, and you find yourself wasting a lot of time doing one thing over and over. It is about time you call a plumber to get to the root cause of the problem and offer you a permanent solution. A professional is more attentive to the details of the problem and can diagnose troubles to prevent any more damages from occurring.

If you’re undecided on whether to hire a professional plumber or do it yourself, consider several factors and make a decision based on that. Some DIY can end up being more expensive and time-consuming than hiring a plumber. Other repairs might only take 5 minutes of fixing. The tips above will guide you on making a proper decision.

When is it practical to take out a bank loan?

If you have been considering taking out a bank loan for a holiday, to pay debt, to renovate your home or to pay for upcoming personal expenses, here are a few things to consider about the practicality of taking out a bank loan.


Debt consolidation — One of the main reasons financial consultants will recommend taking out a bank loan is if you want to consolidate debts.

Many people have personal debts of credit card balances, store credit balances and even balances on cards issued for the sole purpose of buying clothing, electronics and entertainment products online. Many of these cards come with interest rates of over 20 percent.

Take out a bank loan or credit, however, and consolidate all of these debts into one loan and one payment. As many loans will have an interest of well under 8 percent, you can cut a huge amount out of the money you would have to repay if you kept the original debts.


Your debt is not out of control — If all of your debts consolidated into one payment are still manageable, then financial consultants recommend taking out a bank loan.

If your debts are so enormous, however, that there is little likelihood of paying them off even with a bank loan, it is not recommended you take out a loan. Especially as, by doing so, you could just end up damaging your credit rating even more if you are not able to pay off the loan.


You have a solid plan enabling you to pay off the loan — Only ever take out a bank loan if you have a solid plan to pay it off.

This means the money you currently earn is more than sufficient to pay monthly loan payments. It also means you have extra money in reserves in case you have problems paying off the loan.

If you do not have a firm plan that will easily enable you to pay off a bank loan, avoid taking one out. In many cases, if you do, you will just find yourself in even more financial difficulties.


Can you get low interest rates? — In order to make taking out a bank loan worthwhile, you will have to have a high enough credit rating to be able to get low interest rates.

If you take out a bank loan and the interest rate is as high as credit cards you currently have, there is no point taking on additional debt. Especially as you will have to repay it at exorbitant interest rates.

Calculate how much you would have to pay each month with both the credit cards you currently have and a bank loan. Only apply for a bank loan if the repayment every month would be less.

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